Terry Dunn
I'm an experienced educator and spiritual director.
My spiritual direction practice is focused on supporting folks seeking healing and understanding so they can stay active and engaged in these times of great change. ​
I'm an open-hearted Christian whose study and practice of Buddhism deepens my understanding of Jesus' profound teachings of love and inclusion.
My spiritual direction training included a two-year program of formal study and internship, a year of guided discernment, trainings in meditation and healing prayer, and more than 40 years of informal wisdom study.
I have attended teachings by Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, Father Thomas Keating, and James Finley (directee of Thomas Merton), among others.
My experience in listening and teaching is also informed by more than 20 years as a public school teacher and elementary principal, and a master's degree in education, curriculum, and instruction.